Clear Aligners in Muscat

Strong And Sleek Like Natural Teeth

Clear aligners are a virtually invisible and removable option for teeth straightening that require no wires or brackets. With no food restrictions and easy cleaning, clear aligners provide a comfortable and convenient solution for correcting your smile.

The clear alternative to braces

Clear Aligners, also referred to as invisible aligners, are a type of orthodontic treatment that is designed to straighten misaligned or crooked teeth. These custom-made mouthpieces, made of transparent plastic, are virtually invisible and can be easily removed. This makes them a convenient option compared to traditional braces.

In contrast to traditional braces, which have wires and brackets, Clear Aligners don’t have these. This means that they can be taken out for eating, brushing, flossing, or for special events. Furthermore, because of their nearly invisible appearance, Clear Aligners are a great choice for those who want to keep a natural look during orthodontic treatment.

When it comes to advantages, Clear Aligners have several over traditional braces. Firstly, they are more flexible and convenient, allowing you to eat whatever you like without any restrictions. Secondly, they are easy to clean and maintain. Hence, if you are seeking an orthodontic solution that is discreet, convenient, and offers the freedom to eat your preferred foods, then Clear Aligners may be the perfect choice for you.

What can clear aligners treat?

Bite problems

overbite, underbite, open bite and crossbite

Crowded teeth

when the teeth overlap

Diastema (gaps)

when there are small or large gaps between the teeth

Type Of Clear Aligners


Invisalign clear aligners are a modern orthodontic solution. They’re nearly invisible, custom-made, and easily removable. They’re a great alternative to traditional braces

Eon aligners

Eon aligners are a trusted brand, using the latest technology and quality materials. They offer a faster and more convenient alternative to metal braces.


SureSmile® Clear Aligners provide comfort, promote oral hygiene, and help achieve your ideal smile. They’re designed to fit well and move teeth precisely.