Gummy Smile Treatment In Muscat

Flash Your Smile Minus The Insecurities

A gummy smile is one of the reasons why people are insecure to show off their pearly whites. When the gum tissues are very visible (around 3 mm of gum tissue), the teeth appear small and lose their aesthetic appeal.

Gummy smiles happen when the upper teeth are overshadowed by the gums. Excessive gingival display happens when the upper jaw bone is larger than the lower part, making the upper lip appear stretched.

Our specialist periodontists at Galaxy Dental Clinic offers a safe and effective gummy smile treatment using the latest technology. See the dramatic change in your smile that will restore your confidence and self-esteem.

From self-conscious to self-confident

Gummy smile, whether mild or severe, can be caused by several factors such as:


> Hyperactive muscles in the upper lip pull the lip upward
> Excess bone formation or above the teeth
> Gum tissues failed to recede after abnormal eruption of permanent teeth
> Too much bulging of the upper jaw within the gum tissue
> Certain prescription medicines

we provide results
