
Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Muscat

Safe And Smooth Procedure

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that typically develop during the late teenage years or early adulthood. If they are impacted, infected, or causing damage to the surrounding teeth, they may need to be extracted.

What truly sets dental implants apart is their unparalleled ability to support one or even multiple teeth simultaneously. It’s a transformative experience that closely mirrors the function and appearance of your natural teeth – an innovation in dental care that Galaxy Dental Clinic proudly brings to you.


Wisdom Tooth removal

Removing a wisdom tooth may seem scary or complicated, but the procedure is actually pain-free and performed with precision. As we age, our teeth can change, including the appearance of wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth are your third molars that typically appear when you’re between 17 and 21 years old. These teeth can help you chew food better, but sometimes they cause unbearable pain, which is a sign that you should visit a dentist to remove impacted wisdom teeth.

Our specialist dentists and oral surgeons at Galaxy Dental Clinic are highly trained in performing surgical wisdom tooth extractions with precision and care, ensuring a safe and painless experience. We strive to make the procedure as comfortable as possible for our patients, prioritizing their well-being and satisfaction.